'it was a good day'

Julie Swan 2013


1.70cm x w.39cm x d.39cm


I hope this sculpture suggests balance.

It symbolises the Adelaide Park Lands and the city centre.

The arms remind me of the spirals of growth found in nature.

The four arms reach up, they encircle, gain strength and protect the centre spiral: just as nature is crucial to a healthy community. Each arm displays a different characteristic. One is elegant and restrained. Two is practical and strong. Three is searching, experimental and young. The fourth echoes the lines of the spiral in the centre .. it reaches forward in an effort to establish inter-connectedness and a respectful relationship. All twist and move, searching for and allowing for the other in a rhythm of balance.

 'movement 1'

Julie Swan 2013


h.44cm x w.42cm SOLD

'movement 2'

Julie Swan 2013
h.50cm x w.39cm


'movement 1' and 'movement 2' explore the sensation of breeze across water, the sand dunes, the grasses and the body. It is as if the elements conspire to create a musical composition that we can respond to.